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What attendees have been saying about Roger's weekly Online TRAGER Movement and Self-care class

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"After these 'sessions' I feel very settled and often am not in a space for words. It really puts me into a pure and total feeling state. Thank you for class.


"Body awareness is crucial for me.  I am grateful for your value offering, Roger"

 "I was feeling really tired, it is a soft awakeness now. A facelift! I can feel my whole face expand. I just noticed the breath dropped in one moment. Its soft, and not just being there, its soft everywhere."

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"With the pandemic we were told not to touch our face, so it felt really kind of strange, I haven’t been touching my face, Also I found myself drooling a little bit."


“I really thought this was wonderful.  just felt really good and subtle, thank you.”

"The body painting and sculpting was most insightful, that area of the belly and side of my body loved being touched, My head loved it so much. I didn’t realize how much my feet need to be lighter.. It is amazing how much lighter I feel! "   -Yolanda


"Thank you for sharing your beautiful, gentle and kind Healing movement."

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Another wonderful session.  I like that when I spend time with you my body feels so happy and possible and ready. And that I always learn. I feel I am I understanding sculpting better and better.  And beginning to think more about the breath. And to trust my body.  Thank you so much. -Myrna

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